Category Archives: Campaign 2012

Divisive is as divisive does…

Presidents should wear straight T's. Just sayin'...

Presidents should wear straight T’s. Just sayin’…

Once again the Commander-in-Chief has chosen to denigrate his own country while “campaigning” abroad. Judging by the crowd at the Brandenburg Gate, it has done little to stop the slide of his once rock-star persona. As with many Progressive thinkers, the President attempts to twist and contort freedom into something which divides instead of empowers, this time pitting certain schools and educational (choices) against the Constitution. This from the POTUS who has arguably done more to promote class warfare and division than any before him. He even harkened back to the Civil War and the lasting pain of slavery, leaving out of course, the far shorter road to equality and human justice as its legacy, and as opposed to much of the rest of the world for thousands of years before.

A president’s second term is always a window into his true beliefs, as his focus shifts to legacy instead of re-election. This president is no different, and I would argue less ambiguous than his predecessors. His disdain for America, combined with an alternative albeit inaccurate view of its history, helps paint the picture of a bitter and uncompromising ideologue, reluctant at best to engage in any debate which might contradict his interpretations, a regrettable outcome to a Presidency sold as “Hope and Change”. Moreover, his continuing desire to promote his viewpoint on the “other side of the pond” leaves little doubt of his intent to rally sympathetic forces outside the homeland. Thankfully, and as appears to be the case here in the States, his influence has waned under the righteous stress of truth and reason.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Education, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, International, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Divisive is as divisive does…

Who is Joe Biden???


Do you know this man?

For this “40 something” there is an element of surprise at the lack of outrage over the recent scandals plaguing the Obama Administration, though I would point to a recent Quinnipiac poll showing the President’s job approval numbers finally taking a hit. That said, I can’t help but wonder how we go forward when so many people seem unconcerned with matters that will surely impact them in the short-term and their children in the not so long-term.

As a research outlet, I watch most of the news and commentary shows, (with the exception of “Hardball”). Matthew’s analysis lacks even a shred of objectivity, and his unbridled affection for the Commander-in-Chief borders on “sketchy”. FOX’s O’Reilly on the other hand mixes it up a bit. I especially love it when he sends out roving crews to ask basic civics questions of the American Electorate. Now these forays are interesting and even entertaining at times, but they’ve become more troubling recently. As an example, I think it’s fair to say when your average “20/30 something” has no clue who the VP is, especially considering the infamous gaffe-master in waiting Joe Biden, then “We the People” are a little more than just “disengaged”. Moreover, when the average American is unaware of a terrorist attack that took the lives of four brave Americans on foreign soil, including an American Ambassador, it’s downright sad.

It is clear the IRS, Benghazi and Holder scandals are the stuff which break Presidential Administrations and erode the confidence of a people in their government. But what of the current time and a President twice elected more on the basis of his skin color than qualifications? What of a national posture of historical revisionism and/or indifference for the sake of political correctness and diminished accountability? And what of a country which sets aside storied values and principles that have undoubtedly changed the world for the better, and chooses a road of dependency instead? Look, I’m not suggesting “We the People” are done just yet. But in the absence of the “Greatest Generation” who are fast passing into history themselves, the task of resurrecting out of our current situation, that spirit which won “the great wars”, inspired economic revolution, and served as beacon of liberty and opportunity to millions around the globe seems daunting at best. To be sure, time is certainly not on our side, and our enemies know this…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Benghazi, Campaign 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, History, Media, Military, Political Correctness, Politics, Right vs. Left, Terrorism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Who is Joe Biden???

Pfeiffer beats the drum…

This Dan Pfeiffer character reminds me of that clown who kept telling the news media Sadam was in charge and running Iraq while American soldiers were having lunch in his Chalet.

My boss is awesome. That's all you need to know!

My boss is awesome. That’s all you need to know!

I have to say, the most maddening thing about the Obama Administration and its surrogates, is their downright arrogance and condescension when called to answer “We the People”. Now I have always said this bunch were elitists academics too smart for their own good, and who don’t have the first clue about our Constitutional Republic, but boy I wonder what Chris Matthews would have said to a Bush spokesperson who told him his questions were “irrelevant”.

During one of the Sunday show interviews, Pfeiffer stated the Benghazi review board concluded there was “no wrongdoing on the part of the Secretary of State”, and that the Inspector General’s Office didn’t feel the IRS scandal was “politically motivated”. Moving past the obvious foolishness of those statements, the Benghazi panel didn’t even bother to interview Mrs. Clinton (a women no stranger to scandals), and I have four words for you on the IRS thing, Nixon Impeachment Article Two. Damn these people think we’re stupid…

“He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.”

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left | Comments Off on Pfeiffer beats the drum…

Accountability, front and center please…


“And for my next lie”,,,,

If Americans aren’t paying attention when their representatives speak in Washington, they should be. This is especially true for folks in California when Barbara Boxer opens her pie hole. May we finally resolve the issue of security funding for diplomatic missions, and more specifically the safety of the Benghazi Consulate as “considered” recently by the misguided Senator?

Firstly, I’m always curious when Liberals start talking about budget “cuts”, because frankly there’s no such thing in Washington! From 2008 -2012, increases to mission security budgets (including Benghazi) were over 90% of their proposed allowances. Subsequent negotiations in the House were routine, and likely regarding the size of proposed “increases” as possible cost saving measures going forward. Keep in mind, these types of “adjustments” are usually miniscule relative to the overall numbers, and according to folks on the ground in Tripoli, not a factor whatsoever concerning the safety of the Benghazi mission proper or any requests for additional security.

“Let me be clear” Senator Boxer. You’re just a liar…

The likely truth no one wants to talk about: The State Department was concerned the appearance of heightened security in the wake of the President’s proclamation that terrorism was all but defeated would be “problematic” during his re-election bid. Moreover, they were actively recruiting inexperienced locals to provide security in Libya to reinforce a notion of tranquility despite the CIA’s repeated warnings about the presence of al-Qaeda and of a possible attack on the consulate.

Simply put, what we’re hearing from the WH and others within the President’s front line defense, is a less than subtle attempt to cover up a bungled agenda which likely caused the deaths of four brave America’s caught in the middle.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Military, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Middle East, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Accountability, front and center please…

Side show???

obama_press-conference_3-620x413It appears the Obama Presidency is unraveling with astonishing speed. That said, I’ve always felt the POTUS’s aversion to accountability and the Constitution would be his undoing. Ideologies aside though, many Americans are finally beginning to see the light in terms of what we expect from a Commander-in-Chief. I say this because whether or not he believes it himself, and for good or bad, the buck will eventually stop at Mr. Obama’s desk. It’s simply part of being President of the United States.

Nevertheless, it’s imperative all Americans understand where we are. When looked at collectively, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, and now the troubling issue of secret subpoenas and wire-taps at the Associated Press speak to an alarming pattern of behavior which suggests a discernible tone of indifference from top to bottom in the Obama government, for the Constitutional rights of Americans on every level. Accordingly, if the Administration and those agencies under its direct supervision, as well as supporting and ideologically driven politicians like Rhode Island’s Junior Senator Sheldon Whitehouse are comfortable with the facts so far, then “We the People” should be concerned, very concerned.

My quick email to Senator Whitehouse:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Notwithstanding “so help me God”, as I’m sure you might have us do away with the phrase, what part of the above do you not understand Senator?

At a time when “We the People” of Rhode Island are looking to our elected officials for clarity of purpose and Constitutional integrity, we instead have you Sir, towing the party line and sounding like a mindless sycophant. Regrettably, it is understood politics in Washington has become a game of one-upmanship and ideological demagoguery on both sides of the aisle, devoid of true and thoughtful representation. That said, I think we are coming back to a period when folks may be demanding a little more than what you are providing Senator Whitehouse. Your allegiance to this President does not negate fact and reason, and may not be substituted for the above oath. Please, at the very least, try and consider who it is you serve.

Oh, and no return “campaign letter” is necessary in consideration of this correspondence. 


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Side show???

“Stylistic” cover-up…

1132876At this juncture, I think it’s reasonable to assume the White house and State Department conspired to manipulate CIA intelligence on Benghazi, so it would fit the 2012 Obama Campaign’s narrative of a diminished al-Qaeda threat on the President’s watch. Moving passed the obvious for a minute however, I think what’s getting lost in all this, is the CIA warned of a possibly coordinated terrorist attack on the consulate proper in the days and weeks prior to 9/11/2012, and the Obama Administration did nothing about it. Now let me save all of you “Barackapologists” a lot of hot air and tell you that any Congressional discussion of funding for additional security was just that, “discussion”, and had no direct impact regarding real-time safety considerations on the ground in Libya. (See Ambassador Pickering threat).

benghazi0Having been vindicated once again by the truth, there is still something troubling me about this tragedy, and it is Hillary Clinton’s well publicized rant when pushed by Senator Johnson about the reason for the attack. When taken in the context of Deputy Chief of Mission Hicks’s treatment by the State Department after he decided to testify, and in consideration of State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nulands “specific objections” to the original CIA talking points draft which she felt “could be used by the political opposition”, one can only surmise this situation was at the very least bungled from beginning to end, and/or at the very worst, a reprehensible and possibly even criminal political cover-up. Regardless, the families of those brave souls who sacrificed all that night in a foreign land, deserve to know the truth.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, RIP, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on “Stylistic” cover-up…

The next four years…

US-POLITICS-INAUGURATION-PARADELet me preface my analysis of President Obama’s Inauguration speech by acknowledging the symbolism of the day, as well as the great sacrifice made by so many to ensure it’s continuance. It is wholly and appropriately representative of The United States.

Now moving ahead of all the pomp and pageantry, one must accept the President’s speech as one of, if not the most partisan and ideological in the history of the event. Mr. Obama’s lofty and often pointed rhetoric finally revealed the entire man to those who were actually listening. And as many in the crowd booed the presence of Paul Ryan and other Republicans, it was painfully obvious #44’s policies of division and class warfare have taken firm root, setting the tone for an epic battle over the soul of this great country.

Now free of the burden of future elections, the POTUS skillfully avoided the critical issues of the day and instead presented himself as the conquering champion of a new civil rights movement. Apparently stale in his eyes, is the individual and entrepreneurial spirit of a free people whose successes (and failures) have built our great nation, and which are now trumped by a glorified mediocrity, and conditionally if not legislatively induced acceptance of “the new norm”. To listen carefully was to hear the ideologically passionate and even resentful dream of a man who has very different ideas about America than those of the Founders. One could even pick out the connection to (Martin Luther King Day), as the President’s voice became “elevated” at times, into something more fitting of the pulpit, a habit which has come easily to the man who rarely deviates from the teleprompter. Ironically, and despite Progressive attempts to portray MLK as a Socialist Icon, Barack Obama would have had little in common with the late Dr. King.

All in all the speech seemed more appropriate for a “State of the Union” address. Nevertheless, it was carefully framed on all sides by American Flags, parades and plenty of red, white and blue eye candy. There were even moments of prayer and reflection, slipped in to appease/confuse those wondering how a man supposedly so consumed with the  “equality” of human kind, could place his hand on two Christian Bibles and deny that same equality to an unborn child.

Make no mistake my fellow Americans, the four years ahead are perilous ones. Our economy teeters on the brink of disaster, held hostage by mathematical realities such as a $5000.00 drop in the median household income, and unemployment numbers the same as when this President took office. Regrettably, the campaign issues which drove him to victory at the polls are but distant memories. Our President’s focus for his second term appears now to be strictly ideological and broad-based in terms of those social issues he believes will move the nation away from its historical foundations, and secure his legacy as the Liberal Progressive President who finally made it happen

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Health Care, History, Home and Family, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unemployment, Women's Issues | 1 Comment

Can you say Banana Republic???

ObamaCoinWhen I first heard about the “trillion-dollar coin” story, I thought the person who emailed me about it was kidding. After some quick research however, I could not believe someone or some entity would actually suggest such a reckless idea. Now, it’s even being reported that the White House is hedging on ruling it out! Only in the age of Obama would our government be considering “creating” phony collateral to sidestep our debt. These people must truly be the quintessential Progressive deadbeats out to destroy our country. What other possible motive could they have for even bringing up such foolishness?

If The United States ever tried something as irresponsible as minting a “special coin”, in an attempt to avoid its fiscal obligations here at home and abroad, by “projecting” the impression of security, economic chaos on an unimaginable scale would certainly be the result. Simply put, the time it would take for the U.S. to go from world power to global joke could be clocked with an egg timer.

What the hell is happening to our country???

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Fred Comella, National Debt, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes | Tagged | Comments Off on Can you say Banana Republic???

Sequestration 101…

alan-simpson-erskine-bowles_gi_topAs both sides debate the fiscal cliff right to the very edge of disaster, “We the People” are poised to absorb the blow of Washington’s inexcusable dysfunction. On the one hand, you have Speaker Boehner who just realized he will indeed be held to account by members of his own party for his lack of fortitude and leadership of recent. On the other hand, President Obama enjoys main stream media neutrality, (and even their support), while he chips (spends) away at what’s left of our fragile economy. We are truly on the brink as a nation.

With the election now behind us, we can see the Obama second term taking shape. For the record, while I vehemently disagree with the President’s ideological stance, I do admire Mr. Obama for his political courage. He simply and truthfully pushed a radical and un-Constitutional agenda on a largely complacent electorate, grievously compromised by revisionism and a lack of historical appreciation for our beloved Republic. He seized on the political moment, took the ball down field and is preparing to go in for the touchdown. Sadly, the loser in this critical play-off game will be The United States of America. I have a sickening feeling about the consequences of being right on this one.

Nevertheless, I think it’s important for folks to understand the simple basics of what is about to happen, and in comparative terms to their own lives.

Most credible experts agree that if sequestration is allowed to go forward, and taxes are allowed to go up on all Americans, the economy will contract approximately 3.5 percent. Now as the U.S. economy itself is only growing at an anemic rate of under 2 percent, and the nation is carrying over $16 Trillion in debt with a real unemployment number of about 9 percent, this is critical. Let’s try and look at this as if it were an average middle class family today. Your monthly bills are around $4000.00, but you’re only bringing in about $2900.00 since your spouse was laid off, and her benefits have long expired. (You’re also on the short list to be laid off in the coming year because your employer will not be able to cover his “Obamacare” costs and penalties, and will have to downsize his workforce). You’re borrowing additional money to make up the difference and pay the interest on your credit. Your “projected income” over the next ten years will not keep up so you have to borrow even more money, expanding your debt profile by amounts you cannot account for without cutting your expenses, changing your spending habits “or” borrowing even more money. For the average family, this will eventually lead you to the point where no one will lend you any more money because they know you cannot possibly pay it back, (and you can’t simply print more). Are you following me?? You will now be forced to cut back in ways that you could never have imagined. Your quality of life will be dramatically altered as you may very well be forced into bankruptcy and your credit rating will be destroyed. You will likely lose your home and your car to foreclosure and/or repossession, and your wages may be garnished as debt collectors come for what little you have left. I know that you all are beginning to see this in the appropriate context. Now what the heck do you think it means for our country? What it means is this “cliff” is more like a black hole from which we may never return, but with one major difference for the federal government. They enjoy a luxury you and I do not, the power to tax until the well runs dry to correct the short-fall, ala France, Greece and Spain and their crippling tax rates.

Now we can debate all day about why both parties have politicized the argument in the manner they have, and many a short-sighted partisan fool will do just that. But it will not change the fact that our country’s economy is a mere shadow of what it was. And it certainly won’t change the fact that our elected officials at every level have screwed us to the point where they themselves have now thrown up their hands in utter frustration for lack of ideas or an appropriate and non-political solution.

Ya know, I remember reading the Erskine/Bowles report and listening to them talking about how their recommendations would be painful on all levels, and that was if we adopted those recommendations. The fact that President Obama and Congress have chosen to ignore them, leaves me to wonder if our economic wounds are now fatal.

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“Rino” reasoning…

Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist was many things politically, but he was never a Republican. Crist’s record reeks of “middle of road” tactics and politically motivated sidestepping. He struck me as a coward then as he does today, with his recent shall we say, “conversion”. You see, I’ve never believed in the “Rino” label, but rather felt it was cover for those who simply lacked “intestinal fortitude”, and whose intentions were rooted in re-election and re-election only. Good riddance Chuck… I do believe however, this type of political morphing is symptomatic of a bigger problem which has transcended generations to the American Electorate. It is just plain easier to be middle of the road and stand for nothing these days…

Ultimately, I remain convinced of the need for a return to conviction and principle in the American political system, bracketed by an educated and informed voter who understands that our nation is unique, and for very special and significant reasons. The question is, can someone who stands on their principles, and who feels those principles are reflected in the “American Dream” expect to be successful in U.S. politics today, oh and without being branded a greedy, rich, white, polluting, racist, sexist, homophobe? Let’s look at this with some objectivity and truth, shall we?

Judging by the 2012 Presidential Election results, I’d have to say a fair amount of folks are a bit conflicted about their principles. Old folks because they’ve had Liberals screaming in their ears about Republican plans to replace their Social Security checks with pet store food stamps, young folks because they are learning about the “new and improved America” in school and they just don’t know any better, and middle aged folks because they’re suffering from the Rip Van-Winkle effect. There is a ton of ideological crap floating around the toilet which is our nation’s capital these days, and both of the major parties share some of the responsibility for it being there. The result has been a diminished sense of our national identity, and a subtle but growing confusion about our cultural destiny. This is demonstrated by a recent poll showing that more than fifty percent of Democrats have a favorable view of Socialism. What??! This can and must be because they simply have no clue of history and how the Socialist model has given rise to some of the world’s worst tyrants. For if they had read the true historical record, and listened with even the most objective ear, they would surely have come away with a different conclusion. Ok, so I won’t get into a sprawling rant on the perils of Socialism, and how it is been re-packaged if you will, by the Progressive Left. But it is obvious that what ails us is not simply socioeconomic and/or ideological, but rather it’s a fundamental break in the line of historical truth which shaped this great and worthy experiment. Moreover, it is the mission of every George Soros enemy of freedom, to rewrite and revise the American experience, in such a way as to lessen its worth in the eyes of future generations, here at home and around the globe. This is their only hope of victory, to re-write the story over time. Simply put, the exploitation of America’s faults and shortcomings is relentlessly and maliciously broadcast by a complicit Left wing press, and now taught in our schools and institutions of “higher learning”, out in front of the undeniable goodness, immeasurable contributions and inspirational example to free people everywhere, which are the true hallmarks of the greatest nation ever in the history of human kind.

So as we gear up for what will inevitably be a fight to regain our national sense of worth, through 2014 and beyond, the battle lines appear much more defined. In the end, that battle will be joined by those stewards of history and truth, who value liberty and the individual’s contribution to the collective success of a free republic, pitted against those of endless excuses and a perverted and fairytale sense of fairness, having little or nothing to do with “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. This is the growing reality and the pivotal face-off which will eventually define Barack Obama’s eight years as President of The United States. Which side of history will you tell your children your were on?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Election 2012, Fred Comella, History, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Socioeconomic | Tagged | Comments Off on “Rino” reasoning…