Pfeiffer beats the drum…

This Dan Pfeiffer character reminds me of that clown who kept telling the news media Sadam was in charge and running Iraq while American soldiers were having lunch in his Chalet.

My boss is awesome. That's all you need to know!

My boss is awesome. That’s all you need to know!

I have to say, the most maddening thing about the Obama Administration and its surrogates, is their downright arrogance and condescension when called to answer “We the People”. Now I have always said this bunch were elitists academics too smart for their own good, and who don’t have the first clue about our Constitutional Republic, but boy I wonder what Chris Matthews would have said to a Bush spokesperson who told him his questions were “irrelevant”.

During one of the Sunday show interviews, Pfeiffer stated the Benghazi review board concluded there was “no wrongdoing on the part of the Secretary of State”, and that the Inspector General’s Office didn’t feel the IRS scandal was “politically motivated”. Moving past the obvious foolishness of those statements, the Benghazi panel didn’t even bother to interview Mrs. Clinton (a women no stranger to scandals), and I have four words for you on the IRS thing, Nixon Impeachment Article Two. Damn these people think we’re stupid…

“He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.”

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