Daily Archives: 2013/03/07

Holder’s Constitutional Conundrum…

imagesWith every new gadget that makes defending freedom easier for our gallant military, comes the unintended consequences which can sometimes challenge the very same freedom. Whether it’s high-tech computer surveillance, or a “Predator” drone bringing America’s enemies to extreme/fatal temperature by way of a strategically placed AGM Hellfire missile, we must be vigilant to make sure this technology is never used to circumvent the rights of citizens here in the United States. Appropriately, one would think the Constitution addresses these types of questions, and one would be right. Of course this doesn’t apply if you’re Attorney General Eric Holder, the chief law enforcement officer in the land, and someone you’d think would know his Constitution.

I listened recently as Holder came before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain a letter sent by his office to Senator Rand Paul, advising him the Obama Administration would consider drone strikes against American Citizens. Senator Ted Cruz prodded Holder for a simple yes or no answer to the question of Constitutionality when considering the use drones against a civilian, and in the absence of any “imminent threat” to national security, or due process. Simple right? Not so much…

senate-stakes_jpeg1-1280x960In typical Obama Administration fashion, Holder danced around Cruz’s questions for what seemed like an eternity, obviously struggling with the absolute power he and his boss believe was bestowed upon them via the elections of 2008 and 2012. In the most refreshing display of political courage I’ve seen in some time however, Senator Cruz was relentless in his pursuit of a “straight answer”, and eventually corralled Holder into what kinda sounded like, “ok already, it’s un-Constitutional damn it!”. Bravo Senator. I never thought I’d be writing this, but simple Constitutionality is a breath of fresh air in Washington these days…

And the Liberty death clock ticks on…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Holder’s Constitutional Conundrum…