Daily Archives: 2013/03/06

Sorry, we’re closed…

Sorry kids, we're closed...

Sorry kids, we’re closed…

In my notes from yesterdays article, I mentioned that if you call the White House (Media Events and Visitors Office) you will hear a recording telling you, “Due to sequestration and resulting staffing reductions, tours of the Executive Mansion have been suspended”.


This is what I mean when I write about the inexperience and flat out immaturity of the Obama Administration. They are the college debate team taking their ball and going home because they were made the fools for their distortions and misrepresentations during the sequestration battle. Regrettably, their lack of depth and understanding of our Republic and its creed, are trumped only by their elitist and irresponsible application of their responsibilities to “We the People”. For what does it say of this so-called recovery, when the President of the United States would spite a bunch of wide-eyed school children and not advocate for their futures by doing his job.

Unnecessary and unbecoming of the office to say the least Mr. President.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Economy, Fred Comella, History, Media, Politics, Socioeconomic | Tagged , | Comments Off on Sorry, we’re closed…