Daily Archives: 2012/11/21

Thanksgiving 2012…

They would be thankful for your gift this holiday season…

Many died on the journey. More than half perished during the first winter, mostly women and children. Their lives were marked by unimaginable struggle. So when that storied Thanksgiving Day feast came to pass, what could they possibly have to be thankful for?

Well in truth, by that time the “separatists” were making strides in the “new world”. Despite the revisionist Indian apocalypse that was allegedly taking place, lasting bonds had been forged with the indigenous peoples, and a way of life had been cast for future generations that would change the world. It had not been, nor would it ever be perfect. But a covenant had been made which would forever challenge mankind to a higher standard of living by example.

Nonetheless, as we struggle with a beleaguered economy and fractured vision of our nation today, one cannot even imagine the strife those early Americans endured. Yet they still found the courage of conviction to be thankful. I have come to understand this was because they measured their lives in terms of what they had, not what they didn’t. They took stock of what few blessings were theirs and not those which eluded them. They had faith in God and in what they were doing, making a better way for their families and those who would come after them. This is the true measure of sacrifice in the name of something greater than your own success or failure.

It’s easy to be confused in times such as these, and we often find ourselves whining about this or that. But my charge to all of you (and myself) this Thanksgiving is to look beyond the obvious. Look beyond that Christmas wish list or the annoying relative(s) and reach deep for the truth. There is something in all of our lives we can be thankful for. Use that spark, however small it may be, to make a better day tomorrow and beyond. Remember all those who have suffered before you, and those who are suffering today in ways that eclipse whatever may be troubling you this Thanksgiving, and pray for them. Rejoice with family and friends, inspired by hope and unleashed in thanksgiving. But most of all, rejoice in your own heart that God grants us yet another sunrise to begin anew and fight the good fight.

Oh, and this is brought to you by God almighty, and the United States Military. Remember them and their families this day…

I wish you all, a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Holiday…

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