Daily Archives: 2012/11/07

Election 2012…

Let me begin my (2012 Election) analysis with a couple of questions for my fellow Rhode Islanders. What does it say about the state of the electorate in our beloved Little Rhody, when voters return a man like David Cicilline to Congress for a second term? Moreover, what does it say to men like Brendan Doherty, who give so much of themselves to make a difference, when they are turned back by someone so disingenuous and morally bankrupt as Congressman Cicilline? I would truly like to know…

Ok, America voted yesterday. The majority of those votes were cast for national debt, budget deficits and entitlements. They were cast for free phones, food stamps and welfare checks. They were cast for higher taxes and lower take home pay, for small business crushing regulations and skyrocketing healthcare costs. They were cast for the “new modern family” where human life is no longer precious, and accountability is viewed as “extreme”. They were cast against religion and for racism and class warfare, and for a diminished America in the eyes of the rest of the world. And they were cast, in many ways, by a majority of folks who’ve lost sight of the exceptionalism and prosperity that freedom and self-reliance brings.

This was a pivotal election as I knew it would be. It also ended pretty much as I feared it would. And yes, it did tell us much about the “condition” of our nation, in terms of how many people have elected to blame away their failures and laziness. As I said, I didn’t stay up late as I was pretty certain of the outcome, but after listening to excerpts from the President’s acceptance speech this morning, I was struck by how much it sounded like one of Mitt Romney’s campaign speeches. Regrettably, I believe Mr. Obama’s extreme ideological beliefs will stifle much of that bluster long before it ever becomes meaningful legislation.

For my part I will take a bit of a respite from my political writing and ponder my own future for the next four years. There will be “change”. That you can be sure of. Much of that change however, will be a very difficult and even painful pill for the American people to swallow. That too, you can be sure of…

Posted in "Patriot64", Campaign 2012, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Center Left…

I obviously had two posts ready for today. This is the one I had “hoped” not to be adding. Nonetheless, the people have spoken and the President will get a second term. Americans have died to protect the  process which provided for this day, and I will not besmirch them or the validity of their efforts. I would add however, the very process of voting allows us the freedom to chart our own course, but also to live the consequences of those decisions.

My take is simple this Wednesday, and it is that we have turned a corner in The United States. The majority of Americans now see our nation as moving away from its foundations, and in the direction of big government and dependency. Their own wants and needs have now trumped those of their posterity. In essence, their complacency in terms of the lessons of the past, and of world history in general, have blinded them to the inevitable failures associated with their lack of fortitude on behalf of their children. They have ignored history, and the consequences will be real and harsh to be sure. Mind you this is not some dire prediction of the “apocalypse” or end times, but rather a cold hard statement of the facts as they cannot be ignored. “The new norm” as it has been called, has been carefully crafted by Liberal/Progressive thinkers over a long period. Their patience has proved fruitful as we are now consuming ourselves from within. “They” are indeed the ones who have learned much from history.

For my part, I will continue to fight for the country I love regardless of this or future elections. For you see, it was never about Romney or Obama, but rather the foundational principles as put forth in our founding documents, and how they are and should be a blueprint for all of humanity. Principles that worked then, and which the Founders realized must be protected at all costs for generations to come.

 I do a lot of reading of those old papers and books, and one quote always stands out for me. I believe it was John Adams who wrote once:

“Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present Generation to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it…

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