Penance and Progress…

As infuriating as it is to hear the country’s sworn Attorney General make the case that requiring an individual to prove he/she is a citizen before voting is akin to the poll taxes of the post slavery era, I must account for the fact this man is obviously a disingenuous and despicable politician and not a true lawman. Having said that, I happened to catch Mitt Romney today addressing the same group of NAACP hypocrites Holder addressed just days before. I was pleased during the beginning of the speech as Romney made a very heartfelt appeal to the crowd to see what was in his heart and not be duped by the Obama class warfare rhetoric. Then things got ugly. As Romney started speaking about common sense, sound fiscal policy and fairness as means to address huge disparities in unemployment numbers for African-Americans, he was met by groans and at some point outright jeers. Later, when he spoke of rolling back Obamacare for a more sensible and realistic approach that wouldn’t bankrupt the country for all Americans, the audience flat-out booed him.

Well, as I have said before and will say for the record today, there are many within the minority caucuses and causes who are content to have race be a factor for the foreseeable future and beyond. I cannot imagine what would have happened, and how the “Lame Street Media” would have lamented had the POTUS been booed in a venue of predominantly white people. This is the height of hypocrisy and speaks to much of what is wrong in America today. There is simply no interest on the part of the Left in solving the “problems” of minority communities, only exasperating the theme of division and bigotry. And what happened to Mitt Romney today is proof positive of that.

I absolutely applaud Candidate Romney for going into the lion’s den. Sadly though, and for the same old reasons, it was an extraordinary waste of time and effort. What a disgraceful moment in our nation’s history. I am truly embarrassed this day for the country which has done more in far less time than any other to address the issues of human rights across the board. I guess the NAACP and the likes of Benjamin Jealous, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan will decide when and if we will ever be free of our sins, or receive credit for penance and progress…

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