Daily Archives: 2012/05/17

Biden breakdown…

I was gonna write about something else tonight, but I just heard O’Reilly commenting on Joe Biden’s recent and frankly scary meltdown. I’ve gotta be honest. I think this guy Biden has lost it. Either that or he is scared to death President Obama is gonna go pre-convention shopping for a new and sane VP. Does it bother anyone else that this person is a heartbeat away from the “big chair”. Heck, what does it tell you that bin-Laden was plotting the assassination of our President, but told his followers to leave Biden alive to screw up the country…

Anyway, It seems JB thinks “we” don’t get him. Well Mr. Vice President, I think I get you loud and clear. You are an entrenched Liberal politician who is scared of losing his job and will say anything (even if it’s a lie) to keep it. You are frustrated because you miscalculated and figured “We the People” might be as stupid as you are. You didn’t think we could understand that there are only 3 million (millionaires) out of 351 million American citizens, and you hoped we would ignore the fact that 70% of them made their money the hard way and earned it. And it’s killing you that 50% of (your) voting bloc pay no income tax at all while the “rich folks” pay more than 50% of all the income tax collected. And finally, you’re utterly pissed off that the phony class warfare thing you and the POTUS are selling, the average hard-working American ain’t buyin…

Getting back to O’Reilly’s comments. Regarding Biden’s references to his own parents, Bill mentioned how his mom and dad were from very humble beginnings as well, but never dissed the rich about anything. They just kept plugging and helped him become the hard working, very wealthy and successful broadcasting personality he is today. It reminded me of how my parents told me time and again, that jealousy and envy would be the ruination of this country. And that if I wanted anything in this life it would be, AND SHOULD BE, up to me to go out and get it…

Message to Joe Biden: It is you and your boss Sir, who just don’t get America.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Economy, Fred Comella, Politics, Right vs. Left | Comments Off on Biden breakdown…