Here we go…

Choose wisely...

If it’s not clear to most voters, it should be. This year’s Presidential Election cycle is sure to be one of the most vitriolic and hateful in American history. Let’s face it, there is much at stake. The election of Barack Obama as President was extraordinary in that the Progressives made inroads like never before. Socioeconomic revisionism rode in under the banner of “hope and change”, eloquently expressed by an articulate albeit teleprompter coached candidate who also happened to be half black. The Independent vote had found their candidate, the die was cast and there was no looking back. Cut to 2012 and the Progressive Left is empowered like never before. Moreover, they have found an additional voice in a whole new and angry entitlement class firmly affixed to the government nipple and loving every minute of it. Aggravated by the young and misguided who are most always fools for the moment, and with the country in economic upheaval, the battle for our foundational beliefs, American exceptionalism and the “one nation under God” entrusted to us by our Forefathers is in full swing.

The decision you make this year will affect the lives of millions, born and unborn for generations. We owe it to them to hold tightly to the things that made us unique and special in the world. Hard work, entrepreneurism, self-reliance and above all the God-given freedom to pursue, “life liberty and happiness” are all in play. Choose wisely my fellow Americans for we may not get a “re-do” this time around. Let us as one nation, one culture and one people, turn away from what history has shown us time and again, and that is there is no substitute for liberty which can be provided by government, and that government must always be “of the people, by the people, for the people”.

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