Monthly Archives: January 2012

“Congressman” Allen West vs. Big Bad Bob Beckel…

Wanting to jump through the flat screen and school Bob Beckel in reality is something I live with every day. So when I hear Congressman and retired Army Lt. Colonel Allen West square away the portly pundit, my heart swells. Beckel is the poster child for the clueless Liberals out there who literally make it up as they go along. Ideology replaces common sense regularly and facts are cast off as obstacles to the Progressive agenda when he speaks. All things bad are the products of 43’s time in office, and Barack Obama was dispatched from the hallowed halls of academia to save us from ourselves. All this is often served up with heaping loads of condescension and disdain for all who disagree.

I actually watched the episode of “The Five” in question and truthfully I wasn’t taken back by Beckel’s “commentary” on a speech West made stating how he felt the message of the Progressives belongs in Europe and not the U.S. What really got me was how Beckel became incensed during the discussion and even refused to refer to West as Congressman or Lt. Colonel. God help us if the tables were turned and West was a Democrat. The cries of racism and disrespect would have been blood curdling.

In the end, Congressman West is asking for but will not receive an apology from Beckel. Not because of Beckel’s politics, but for the blatant and angry way he stated he would not even call him by his hard-earned military rank. It is always ironic but expected when we see the Left’s true colors regarding the military. Appropriately, Lt. Colonel West fell in with his soldiers as he has many times before, and reminded the “FOX & FRIENDS” cast this morning that he had spent 22 years of his life defending Beckel’s right to say the things he does and live in freedom.

In the end Congressman West said it best in a phone interview with FOX: “The days of the Liberal Left using Republicans as punching bags are over”.

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What kind of parent are you???

It’s my way or the highway. Anything you want dear. Which parent are you? Or are you some hybrid born of the ideological psychobabble fed to you by the “organized” babysitters down at the public school?

I was tuned into the “Focus on the Family” network recently and heard what I think is the best piece of information a parent could latch onto in these changing and difficult times for American families. Dr. Kevin Leman is a world-renown Christian author and speaker who offers solutions to today’s parenting nightmares. His frank and sensible approach to the most important job we will ever have in this life is enlightening and refreshing.

Dr. Leman suggested that we explain something to our kids that is in fact the simple reality. “We are equals but with different roles”. That one sentence hit me like a brick in the face, as I’m focused like a laser most days with my nine-year old and what I can do to ensure his best possible shot in the world. Somewhere into the myriad of conversations we will surely have with our legacy, that sentence must find its way. Immediately, and while driving no less, I applied it in my head, thinking of those conversations with my boy when fairness and drama collide even if silently, and it just fit like a glove. For as Dr. Leman says, God does not love parents more than children or vice versa. “We are equals but with different roles”, I’m the parent and you are the child. Our responsibilities are different but no less important. “The Good News” is, someday you will play my role, and if I have done my job you will be great. I love you son…

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“A picture is worth a thousand words”…


Now Mr. President, did you actually buy my book or did you thumb through it at the bookstore???

It seems quirky politicians are in abundance these days and Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona could certainly be counted among them. While I’m sympathetic to her passion for enhanced border security, her application at times is a bit shall we say, off the cuff…

That said, there has also been  a bit of talk over the last three years about the President’s thin skin. The truth is we political junkies have been watching this for some time. For all of his rhetorical themes of coöperation and bipartisanship, it’s been President Barack Obama who has led the obstructionist charge right along. His Chicago brand of politics and elitist underpinnings are there to see for anyone not blinded by ideology. The events on the tarmac with Governor Brewer the other day fit a pattern of quasi bullying by the POTUS if he feels he has been mischaracterized or “insulted”.

I read the Governor’s book and while none of us were at the meeting between her and the President, we only have to read Mr. Obama’s litany of responses when asked about our Southern border to make a fairly accurate assumption concerning Brewers version of events. And while I agree that one must show respect for the high office, the President of the United States should know better than to “diss” an elected Governor on her home turf right in front of the cameras and her constituents. I thought it was not only rude, but sexist and arrogant the way he simply thrust her note into his pocket, and with a few course words immediately moved on to shake some hands in the crowd.

Now I know this may seem a bit trivial to some, but in recognition of recent news events highlighting Rep. Gabby Giffords and her decision to leave Washington to focus on her extraordinary and inspirational recovery, and the soaring speech the POTUS made in that very state following the tragedy, we are left wondering if this President fully understands the finer nuances of governing, particularly as “leader of the free world”. Undoubtedly, leadership by example should be high on that list.


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Find your own iceberg Mr. Polar Bear, this one’s mine…

No questions please!

So frightened are the Progressive Environmentalists and their friends in the “main stream” media, about the questionable data implicating civilization in all of our planetary woes by way of “fossil fuel” consumption, that they are now pressuring states to include in their respective public school curriculums, a kind of “climate change denial” course. Huh? I guess this must be meant to convince our young ones not to be swayed by the “naysayers” and to fully embrace what is being “taught” them by way of the complicit academics.

Putting aside for a moment the mounting evidence that much of the rhetorical “global warming” pabulum being spoon fed to our children has been at the very least exaggerated, and some cases even down right manipulated to suit a particular political agenda, one has to ask: Can we send our children to school any longer without fear of them being indoctrinated as opposed to educated?

Listen up parents! It’s time you do your homework and make sure that your children are getting the facts. There are literally thousands of legitimate and noted scientists offering qualifying information about the effects of carbon emissions on our planet and its atmosphere. Dozens of agenesis have put forth challenges to the science of “global warming” but have been rebuffed by the “main stream” media when attempting to make their case. Only when one of the environmentalist hacks gets caught red-handed “cooking” the books are they forced to tell the story. Only when entire data collection firms are outed for manipulating results at the behest of agenda driven lobbies and their political enablers, do we learn the truth about the real numbers and the reality that goes with them.

Truth be told, I catch a lot of flak for some of my stances past and present concerning the “human footprint”. I think there is in fact much we can do to ensure a cleaner planet for our posterity. Having said that, the intentional mischaracterization of mans impact on this planet, combined with a clearly agenda driven approach to the problem and to the degree which it may or may not exist, does nothing but threaten our economy and ultimately our very way of life. Notably, the recent “push back” by Americans, as described by those who walk in the “evolutionary science circles”, is simply a reflection of doubt, not necessarily about the information, but about how and by whom it is being compiled and subsequently passed on to our children.

Additional note: It befuddles me the way in which Progressives continually portray themselves as purveyors of the debate, and then do everything in their power to silence the opposition?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic | Tagged , | 2 Comments

More of the same…

The State of the Union address was a campaign speech. I knew it would be so I was not compelled to respond with an immediate salvo of criticism. The President struck an uncharacteristic and populous tone with much of the usual lofty rhetoric short on facts and substance. He was content to frame his argument in the form of questions most would answer “of course” too, but as usual left out key components of the debate which make that answer wholly inadequate. For instance, his rhetoric on taxes was particularly amusing considering the facts. But it sure sounded good in the context of his overall approach to the speech. Obviously, class warfare and the politics of division will be the Presidents weapons of choice this campaign cycle, and he made it very clear Tuesday evening he would not hesitate to use those weapons at every possible juncture.

Not unlike the Liberal playbook of old, Mr. Obama will put all of his marbles on the notion that most folks won’t fact check his assertions and that emotion will drive the vote. That may in fact work against him this time. There seems to be an equal amount of emotion with folks looking very carefully at his record. And running on a record is very different from running on simply “hope and change”.

In the end I found the speech to be no different from other SOTU’s from Presidents on both sides of the aisle. Lofty rhetoric with little substance and boat loads of political satire, are usually the jumping off points for politicians running for re-election.

I did take exception with one thing he mentioned regarding to the “Situation Room”. I think this POTUS has to some degree “declassified” the office of President. There are just things better left off the table as a matter of respect for the high office. Americans want there to be a kind of hands off notion about the President when he acts on our behalf militarily. We don’t necessarily need to know the gory details. Just the fact he is doing his Constitutional duty to protect the nation will do. With the precisely timed release of the first S/R photos taken as “Operation Neptune Spear” unfolded, it was clear this Administration meant to capitalize in every way they could when President Obama carried out President Bush’s standing executive order to neutralize Osama bin-Laden. I think the fact he flew that flag again Tuesday night was regrettable. It wasn’t he or Bush who killed the terrorist leader but rather Seal Team Six, and I feel their role is diminished when the Commander-in-Chief attempts to emphasize his part by way of dramatizing what goes on behind the closed doors of a clandestine military operation. It just seems to trivialize a truly heroic and significant moment in our nation’s history.

With that said, I will not expand beyond these few observations, as it will ultimately be the collective Electorate who will decide if the POTUS was grandstanding, campaigning or if he was truly sincere beyond the politics of the moment.


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My fellow Americans…

The President of the United States is sure to tell Congress tonight that the “state of the union” is improving. He’s done this several times already. But here’s what he will really be saying:

Now here's what I really mean....

My fellow Americans, I believe that our nation must be one with other nations and that we have enjoyed far more success than we are rightfully entitled to. Our exceptionalism has come not as a result of hard work, sacrifice and entrepreneurial initiatives born of God-given freedom and liberty, but rather at the expense of the rest of the world, and it is high time we pay the price. My intention is to transform our nation using the European model of big government and featuring entitlement as the primary mind-set of the people. I will continue to push for “reforms” which create a larger and more vocal entitlement class who know only protest and class warfare as answers for their lot in life, and who have little or no interest in success based on diligence and effort. I will tell Americans that $48,000.00 in debt to each and every child born this day, and a “real numbers” national debt of $202 trillion is a small price to pay for our place in the world, and I will demonize Capitalism as the root of all evil and the free market enterprise as merely a tool of the rich. I will re-write history to convince the impressionable youth of our nation that we are the problem and must suffer for all of our transgressions. I will reach into the classrooms of the youngest of them and use manipulated, inconclusive and false data to make them cry about that which in many cases we are powerless to control. I will tell them there is no God and that if they believe there is, they must keep it to themselves for fear of offending. I will explain inaccurately that Columbus was a murderer and that he brought only disease to the continent, and I will teach them that Communism is just another form of government and not responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people.

And finally my fellow Americans, I will do all of this under the banner of “hope and change”. I will ostracize and vilify all who oppose me as bigots, racists, homophobes, and out of touch. I will deny the very intent of the Framers and finally wash away all remaining memories of a government “of the people, by the people, for the people…

NOTE: This is merely an attempt to invite the broader debate. But it is also a reminder that to continue down our current  path with the proverbial/ideological blinders of either side of the argument firmly affixed, is tantamount to slamming the door in our children’s faces. We need to return to searching for the things which bind us…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Economy, Education, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Jobs, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left | Tagged | 4 Comments

They make it easy…

I dislike this YouTube video with some confliction as I agree with much of what this young man has to say. The problem is he assumes all “Republicans” sport “religion” or “Christianity” as a pillar of their political belief system, when in fact many on the right simply fear the dissolution of a fundamental truth about our nation. And that is “one nation under God”, while religious in its overtones, was simply an acknowledgment of faith and the understanding that inevitably we are not as human kind, the “be all and end all”. I submit to you, that simple and humble expression is what has separated us from the very people this young man speaks of in his video. In the end, his effort to de-politicize the argument over religion actually politicizes it right out of the gate, when he generalizes and then labels “Republicans” as the exclusive purveyors of religion. It’s a valiant effort but falls short and right into the category of ideology. Maybe if we try harder to find the commonality that should bind us as a country, as opposed to highlighting that which may separate us culturally, the issue of religion and politics would be much less divisive. Sorry Jeff, nice albeit youthful try though…

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Here we go…

Choose wisely...

If it’s not clear to most voters, it should be. This year’s Presidential Election cycle is sure to be one of the most vitriolic and hateful in American history. Let’s face it, there is much at stake. The election of Barack Obama as President was extraordinary in that the Progressives made inroads like never before. Socioeconomic revisionism rode in under the banner of “hope and change”, eloquently expressed by an articulate albeit teleprompter coached candidate who also happened to be half black. The Independent vote had found their candidate, the die was cast and there was no looking back. Cut to 2012 and the Progressive Left is empowered like never before. Moreover, they have found an additional voice in a whole new and angry entitlement class firmly affixed to the government nipple and loving every minute of it. Aggravated by the young and misguided who are most always fools for the moment, and with the country in economic upheaval, the battle for our foundational beliefs, American exceptionalism and the “one nation under God” entrusted to us by our Forefathers is in full swing.

The decision you make this year will affect the lives of millions, born and unborn for generations. We owe it to them to hold tightly to the things that made us unique and special in the world. Hard work, entrepreneurism, self-reliance and above all the God-given freedom to pursue, “life liberty and happiness” are all in play. Choose wisely my fellow Americans for we may not get a “re-do” this time around. Let us as one nation, one culture and one people, turn away from what history has shown us time and again, and that is there is no substitute for liberty which can be provided by government, and that government must always be “of the people, by the people, for the people”.

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Free Ryan Jerome…

Maybe this guy should be applying for Ray Kelly's job...

It’s simply amazing to me that we continue to have these annoying conversations about NYC’s draconian and unconstitutional gun laws. Not only is Ray Kelly endorsing researching a device which covertly scans folks for firearms while they’re walking down the avenue, but it turns out the NYPD are also arresting Marines for checking their home state legal firearms so they may be in compliance with some of the most ridiculous guns regulations on the books anywhere in the lower 48. Look, I have the utmost respect for the NYPD rank and file and their efforts in what is a tough city to say the least. However, this Kelly character and the sickening way he is almost joined at the hip with one of America’s most disingenuous and unaccountable elected officials is really starting to annoy me.

Message to Bloomberg and company: Please quit hassling America’s heroes and playing politics instead of fighting crime in the “Big Apple”. It’s an absolute disgrace that this should even have been an issue. Moreover, it’s appalling that the mayor and his puppet sidekick police commissioner aren’t down at the Manhattan DA’s office strategizing on how to apologize to this Marine Legacy for what should have been treated as nothing more than a simple misunderstanding.

Please go to “Facebook” and support this defender of the very freedoms those political clowns in New York City enjoy every day at “Free Ryan Jerome”.

Man, it is just so hard sometimes to have legitimate dialog about the critical issues of our time when we can’t even get this stuff right…Shameful… Hang in there Marine, we got your back!


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Eat right and shut up…

A while back I wrote about the little spat between Southern Cooking Bell Paula Deen and “No Reservations” Bad Boy Anthony Bourdain. Bourdain had apparently commented regarding Deen’s cooking style, calling her “the most dangerous person in America”. He was obviously referring to her propensity for cooking high fat/calorie Southern dishes and how that might relate to America’s problems with obesity. Well, the saga continues with a local twist.

It appears that Deen will announce soon that she suffers from (Type 2 Diabetes), something many will attempt to pin squarely on her culinary efforts. Truth be told, and while that is certainly not something to be ignored as a contributing factor, Diabetes and its cause(s) run the gamut from hereditary/genetic to lifestyle and diet. What I’m saying, is this is no secret and Deen herself has repeatedly said she understands moderation as the best approach to any family meal preparation. Example: Super-duper double fudge decadent brownies, (while understandably not something we should be eating after every meal of every day), certainly trump those dry crappy ones made with fake sugar and apple sauce, and can be enjoyed infrequently for sure.

Anyway, my reason for revisiting this topic is not only the revelation by Deen about her condition, but also that one of my local television networks WLNE-ABC Channel 6, broadcast a segment recently which basically implied the reason for Deen’s Diabetes was her cooking, and then quoted Bourdain with no qualifier. Now I’m not going to get into my thoughts about why I think the Liberal media in my home state has a problem with this self-made and successful entrepreneur who happens to be a woman. But I will say, that before anyone makes the case for “cause and effect”, they might want to mention that Bourdain has eaten and promoted more “fat and grease” from around the globe on his own show than any American could consume respectively or consistently without “coding” stiff at age 35. He also smoked regularly and quips often about his life which included frequent drug use among other questionable habits.

Look, I like both of these programs for different reasons. My wife and I borrow and “occasional” tasty recipe from Deen, and we enjoy the travels and condescending analytical style of Bourdain as he traipses the planet in search of culturally unique morsels. So my advice to Channel 6 is simply this; think before you inject any bias your editors or newsroom folks may harbor, into a media war that might just be publicity oriented. Otherwise, you run the risk of showing the true colors you may not have initially wanted to.


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